RapidScript is a plugin for RapidWeaver, the web site Generator from RealMac Software. RapidScript adds a great capability to RapidWeaver: build web pages using AppleScript, Mac OS X's high-level scripting language.
Using RapidScript, you can build pages containing data from other scriptable applications, such as the Finder, Address Book, iTunes, TextEdit, Pages, FileMaker, Excel... The script extracts the data and shape it for the web by turning it to HTML. RapidScript then builds the page within RapidWeaver, with full respect of the site's theme and CSS.
- Use any scriptable application to build a custom solution.
- Display information exactly like you need it using simple HTML styles and CSS
- Start easily with integrated short example Scripts that make use of Address Book, the Finder, iTunes, and see how to Get system data such as the user's name, the computer type, the amount of memory, etc.
- Use the scriptable Finder to Create hierarchical catalogs of your folders.
- Grab data in Address Book to publish a group of records on a page, always up-to-date.
... There is no limit!